Sunday, July 19, 2009

3-Ring Binder Workshop $25.00

This weekend we will create this cute memory keepsake. We will use the My Creations 3-Ring Binder and a few of the Memory Protector Flip Flaps. The 3-ring binder is perfect ro 4x6 potos. I will also give you a pacakage of Journey Journaling Spots which are perfect for adding dimension or tags to your 3-ring binder and they are also great for journaling!

You can RSVP for the following dates:
Friday, July 24th @6:30 pm
Saturday, July 25th @2:00 pm
Sunday, July 26th @ 2:00 pm

Supplies to bring:
Piercing Tool
Sanding Block
Microtip Sscissors
Liquid Glass
Sponges to Distress (Cranberry, Desert Sand)
* Cranberry
* Indian Corn Blue
* Desert Sand
* Garden Green

Friday, July 17, 2009

July 2009 Club Nite

These are the pages we will create at our July Hostess Club that will be held on: Tuesday, July 21st and Thursday, July 23rd at 6:30 PM. These are fun pages and I absolutely love the Sweet Baby stamp set! I have already created my pages, but have not had a chance to select photos. See ya next week!

If you would like to recreate these pages, you will need the following supplies:
X7112B Animal Cookies Level 2 Paper Packet $12.95
X7112C Animal Cookies Level 2 My Stickease® Assortment $4.95
Z1162 Foam Die-Cuts Numbers $3.95
C1359 My Acrylix® Sweet Baby $18.95
E1003 My Acrylix® Boutique Alphabet $34.95
Z2113 Clover Meadow Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25
Z2119 Dutch Blue Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25
Z2150 Sunflower Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25
Z2166 Tulip Exclusive Inks™ Pad $5.25
Z1114 Piercing Tool Kit $5.95

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Kidz Krafts = July 8, 2009

I am so glad that Victoria, Gabi, and Sarah were able to join Kidz Krafts. We completed 2 12x12 layouts using Moon Doggie...which has become my new favorite papers! We even had a chance to place some of their pictures on their pages. Which was awesome! I helped them place their photos down while they wrote their story (journaled). It is so important to write down your favorite memories. We were finished about 30 minutes early so to keep the girls busy, we pretended to be journalists and they "interviewed" each other. The rulers were their microphone.

We will work on a project for our next Kidz Krafts
Date: Wednesday, July 22nd
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Cost: $15.00
Other: We will do a little "creating"
Location: Joey's Scrap Room
*pictures used with permission

Friday, July 3, 2009

Interactive Scrapbook Pages

Flip Flaps and Interactive Pages is the new generation of scrapbooking. Want to add all of those wonderful photos to tell the WHOLE story?? Check out Tresa Black's video tutorial here. Thank you Tresa for creating a fabulous demonstration!! If you would like to order flip flaps; 9x9; or 6x6 page protectors so you can creat an interactive me.