Wednesday, May 20, 2009

2009 Summer Kidz Krafts

I have had one of my friends approach me about doing something "crafty" during the summer. I have decided to put together a Summer Kidz Krafts program. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in June, July and August. The cost is $15.00 per class.

The first date for Kids Krafts is: Wednesday, June 10th
Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Location: my home

If you have been contacted by my friend, please contact me to enroll your child in the Summer Kidz Krafts program. We will meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday in June, July, and August. Once summer begins to wind down we can discuss moving the Kidz Krafts schedule to once a month.
Supplies your child will need to bring:
  • Plenty of adhesive
  • Scissors
  • Pen / Pencil to write with

1 comment:

  1. hey once I know when my summer kids are coming I'm going to bring them one time. WHOOHOO
