SNOW??? What is that? It's that white fluffy stuff that is so pretty when it first falls and then turns to black mush as it starts to melt. Well, we are anticipating Snow Thursday PM / Friday AM. It is predicted that 1-3 inches of snow will fall. It is time to charge your cameras and make sure your SD cards are empty so you can capture your Snowy Memories. Last year I did a workshop and scrapped my snow pictures. Some people may think that snow is not a big deal, but in South Texas it is!!! Snow in Texas is a great phenomenon!!! Texans can't drive in it. When we see snow our world stops and we look at it falling from the sky, like it is a great big secret. Who knows, maybe it is the good Lord sprinkling Powdered Sugar on us to make us sweeter!!
Bundle up, stay warm and remeber the P's: Plants, Pets, People
LOL on the Texans Can't drive in it, its so true and our whole world does stop!